Is Your Cat Psychic?

Okay. I just could not resist writing about this topic for some reason. Maybe it is because I kind of believe it – or, at the very least, want to believe it.  Or perhaps it is fun just to think about!  At any rate, take it for what it is worth to you and leave comments if you agree/disagree or have witnessed anything with your cat that makes you a believer.  So….drum roll, please….the question of the day is….Can cats see ghosts, spirits and/or angels (or otherwise)?

As we all know, cats communicate quite effectively with their sounds and body language.  Not only can they communicate with humans, but they can also create bonds with each other. Cats are not lacking in intelligence, either, and if you have ever observed your cat keenly, you might have seen her staring at a certain spot continuously for no apparent reason to you.

Other instances might occur when you cat is staring at the stairway. Does she use her paws and act as if she is fighting something off her face?  Sure, the practical side of us would like to say that she is just playing, but is she?  Is she trying to fight something off her face?  (Insert creepy Twilight Zone music here!).

There was a story where a cat kept staring into a room, and later the owner of the cat indicated she heard some unusual sounds emanating from that room. Did the cat see something the owner could not? It has been suggested cats can see things in the spiritual realm that humans cannot.  Food for thought.

Some studies have suggested that cats feel vibrations that humans cannot feel. They can also sense negativity coming from humans who do not like them or who are not fond of them. They might hiss or scratch at said individuals. Many cats even know when their owners are going to arrive and they also know who loves them the most. They are equally in tune to when their owner/caretaker is sad, hurt or ill, which leads folks to think cats have some sort of telepathic abilities.

Some cats exhibit strange behavior when they sense an unusual presence nearby.  Some might not even like a place if they sense some sort of psychic presence there. Ancient Egyptian mythology asserts cats have the power to ward away evil spirits.  Do you believe that? Buddhists believe cats are the souls of the dead who live in the bodies of cats before entering another life.  It is also believed our feline friends can see any aura or evil presence surrounding humans.

We do know cats seem to easily sense feelings and can even warn you if anything bad is about to happen.  Have you ever observed your cat acting is if he is watching something move or acting strangely, such as repeatedly running up and down the stairs? Some may chalk this supposed supernatural power of cats up to much ado about nothing. However, perhaps some cat owners believe otherwise! What is your story?



Written by Ann Butenas

Ann Butenas

An internationally-recognized author and writer, Ann began her professional writing career at age 12 and began speaking while in college. She has been published thousands of times over the past three decades in all media forms, was former editor and publisher of KC Metro Woman magazine, and has also hosted three talk radio shows in the Kansas City area.

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