Cat Safety: Beware the Clothes Dryer!

When you think of the term cat safety, especially at home, you might not consider the clothes dryer as a danger. As it turns out, dryers are one of the most dangerous spots in the house for cats.

cat in dryer demonstrating dangers of clothes dryer for cat safety

It makes sense that cats would enjoy getting in the dryer. Warm, soft, fluffy clothes, a small little spot that’s a perfect fit for many cats. They’re so quiet and so fast, it’s easy for cats to climb in the dryer without us being aware they’re in there.

What makes clothes dryers so dangerous for cats is that once the door is closed, a cat trapped in there may be burned, have bones broken, suffer from heatstroke, some even perish.

Preventing Clothes Dryer Injuries

So how can we cat guardians prevent our pets from being injured in the clothes dryer? The August 2021 issue of Tufts Catnip magazine recommends taking the preventative steps:

  • Do not place litter boxes in the laundry room if at all possible. Consider keeping the door closed to restrict access to it.
  • Double check that the dryer door is tightly closed before leaving the laundry area.
  • Check the dryer before turning it on
  • Make all family members aware of the rules above.

Another Dangerous Spot in the Home: The Garage

Although not as common as dryer injuries, there are cases of cats being injured after climbing into the washing machine. The Catnip article cited two cases of washing machine injury to cats. tarting In one case an 8 year old Himalayan cat was rescued after getting into the washer and agitating along with the laundry for only one minute. The other case did not turn out as well. After being stuck in a front loading washer for 5-10 minutes, an 8 month old kitten was rescued. The kitten was suffering from head trauma and aspiration pneumonia and did not survive.

The laundry room isn’t the only home hazard for cats. Garages can also be dangerous, especially if you park your car inside. Cats often crawl under the hood in the winter since it offers a warm and cozy spot to escape the cold.  Another garage danger is anti-freeze. Cats find the taste of it very appealing, but it is lethal to them if ingested. Before starting your cat in the winter, hit the hood a couple of times to wake any cats that may have found their way under the hood.


We all get in a hurry from time to time and forget to check and double check areas that can be dangeous for our pets. Slowing down and double checking these danger zones can prevent a tragic accident from occurring.

For more information on cat safety in the home, click here.







Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.