Holiday Safety Tips For You And Your Cat

Holiday Safety TipsThe holidays are a wonderful time of year, but it’s important to keep your cat’s safety in mind.  Here are some holiday safety tips to help keep you and your pets safe and happy this season:

  • Many cats enjoy batting ornaments that are hanging on the tree.  If your feline is one of them, don’t hang breakable ornaments within your cat’s reach.
  • Watch out for candles.  Cats can be curious and get too close to the flame or knock the candle over, so be sure candles are out of your pet’s reach.
  • This time of year there are many snacks around that can be hazardous if ingested by your pet, so don’t leave snacks like chocolate anywhere your pet can reach them.
  • Electrical cords can be fun for cats to chew on, so be sure to cover electrical cords to prevent your pet from chewing on them.
  • Tinsel can be another fun toy, especially for cats, but can be very hazardous if eaten, so be sure your pets aren’t able to get to them.
  • The holidays can be a very hectic time of year with many visitors coming and going, and this change in routine be can very stressful for your pets.  If your cat is particularly shy, be sure he has a quiet room to go to for a break from the action.  Post a sign on the door so visitors know not to enter the room.
  • Be sure visitors are aware of rules regarding outside time for your pets.  With many people in and out, pets can sneak out quickly, so don’t leave doors open to make it tempting for a pet escape.
  • In the event your cat does run out of the house, be sure he has identification so anyone finding him will know how to contact you.

Keeping these holiday safety tips in mind will help you and your cat make the most of this time of year.

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.