Reflecting On Newtown

candlelight tributeI’ve been stressed this holiday season.  My mom passed away last year, two days before Christmas. I’ve been doing my best to avoid thinking of the events of that time. I miss her very much and her death was unexpected, but she did live 78 years, a fairly long life.  The victims of yesterday’s tragedy don’t have the same story.

The phrase “being in the wrong place at the wrong time” don’t apply for those that perished in Newtown.  They were where they were supposed to be, doing what they were supposed to do until a dark force took it all away.

Victoria Soto, 27, a teacher at the school was helping students hide from the gunman when she was killed.  Her cousin said she loved being a teacher, and she gave her life taking care of the students she cared for so much.

How many of us love what we do so much we’d give our life for it?

In a news special last night, it was stated that there have been 15 mass shooting incidents this year killing over 80 people!  There is something very, very wrong with those numbers.

Think back to the things you loved to do as a child and take a few minutes today to do them.  Be a child again, for those that can’t any longer.





Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.

2 Responses to "Reflecting On Newtown"

  1. Beautiful post and I am so deeply sorry about your Mother. It is always hard (I lost my Dad in 2001) but the first anniversary is the worst.

    I am so deeply sorry, thank you for the wise words of advice.

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