5 New Year’s Resolutions for Cat Guardians

With 2018 beginning, it is time to consider New Year’s Resolutions. If you are a cat lover, your cat has resolutions in mind for you…. not for him…he has only resolved to have you remain at his beck and call throughout the year.

Nothing changes there, and it is a resolution from which he will rarely – if ever – waver.  But for you, dear cat lover, we have a few resolutions in mind for you this year!  Pick and choose or do them all!  But no matter what you do, have an incredible beginning to what we hope is an amazing New Year for you and your cat(s)!

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Resolution 1: Bump Up Home Safety Quotient

If you are not a complete homebody, chances are you get out of the house now and again.  What mischief does your cat get into while you are away?

This is the year to make your home both fun and safe for your kitty.  Install ample vertical space for her to climb, such as wall mounts and cat trees. This will give her an opportunity to exercise.  Be sure to incorporate some horizontal space, as well, so she can have access to sunny windows and comfy napping spots.

Resolution 2: Volunteer At Local Rescue/Shelter

Get out and volunteer with local rescue organizations. Are we not better people because of the pets with whom we share our lives? I believe so!

Consider donating to an organization or even becoming a foster parent to a cat. You can give a deserving animal a loving home and prepare them for a great life with future adoptive parents and families.  If you don’t have the space or time to do this, consider helping organizations find loving homes for cats in need.

Resolution 3: Schedule Routine Vet Care

Make it a point to schedule routine veterinary care for your cat and discuss with your vet any lifestyle, food or behavioral modifications your cat may require to enjoy another healthy, active and vital year with you at her side.

Resolution 4: Spend More Time With Your Cat

Commit to spending more play time with your cat.  We get it.  Life can get busy and chaotic at times, but your cat does miss you when you are away…and even when you are home but unavailable.  Your cat does go out of her way to show you love and affection, so be sure to return the favor in kind and then repeat that behavior time and again!

Resolution 5: Find Fun Cat Photos and Videos

Spend more time on social media enjoying photos and videos of cats and kittens.  The world can be a pretty negative place at times, but make 2018 the year you endeavor to shine on the positive.  You are already off to a great start, as you have a cat (or two or more!) to love every day of the year!

Did you make any resolutions for this year that include your cat?  If so, please leave a comment and let us know what they are, we’d love to hear from you!



Written by Ann Butenas

Ann Butenas

An internationally-recognized author and writer, Ann began her professional writing career at age 12 and began speaking while in college. She has been published thousands of times over the past three decades in all media forms, was former editor and publisher of KC Metro Woman magazine, and has also hosted three talk radio shows in the Kansas City area.