Indoor Cat Activities To Prevent Boredom

Since we’re spending much more time inside due to the current health concerns, new cat behavioral issues may emerge – mainly, boredom. Being kept inside does not allow for the stimulation a cat instinctively craves. Since we’re inside much more, our cats expect us to interact with them much more. If we don’t, cats will take measures to get our attention anyway. Here are some suggestions from, for indoor cat activities to prevent boredom:

Indoor cat activities

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Set Up A Catio

Catios (cat enclosures) allow your cat the joy of being in the great outdoors while keeping him safe.  These enclosures are available online, made to order, or if you are handy, then maybe building one is right up your alley. For DIY catio ideas, check out Catify To Satisfy by Jackson Galaxy and Kate Benjamin.

Window Sill Shelves

Window sill shelves are a better and easier choice if you live in an apartment.  Simply place it contiguous to a properly screened and secured window and enjoy watching your cat gaze at the excitement outdoors.

Cat Toys

There are many cat toy options from which to choose. Try a variety of them with your cat and see which ones he prefers.  Be sure to keep them out of reach of your cat, however, when you aren’t available to monitor his play. Bring them out one or two at a time and then rotate them for variety.

Don’t assume your cat always wants to engage in solitary fun.  Get in the game and enjoy some interactive play!  Use a wand toy to simulate a fun hunting scene. Move the object around as if it is a bird or a mouse. This can be a boredom buster for us as well, making this option great for us and our cats!

Keep your hands out of your cat’s reach when engaged in these kind of games, since your cat will naturally become aggressive towards his “prey.”

Cat Furniture

If you don’t mind adding more décor to your home, invest in some cat furniture, such as a cat gym, tree or condo, all of which offer your cat a solid, stable and fun place to climb, explore and perch.

Go To The “Movies”

If you enjoy watching movies, perhaps your cat might, as well. There are some nature-show videos available for free on Amazon Prime Video made specifically for cats. Of course, not every cat gravitates towards these, but it never hurts to try. Just remember to keep the popcorn for yourself!

Whatever option you choose, these indoor cat activities will give you and your feline friend the chance to have some fun during the day!





Written by Ann Butenas

Ann Butenas

An internationally-recognized author and writer, Ann began her professional writing career at age 12 and began speaking while in college. She has been published thousands of times over the past three decades in all media forms, was former editor and publisher of KC Metro Woman magazine, and has also hosted three talk radio shows in the Kansas City area.