Cat Poem: Getting To Know You

We occasionally feature cat poems submitted to us by Teresa Harrison-Best from  In this cat poem, Teresa writes about the benefits of microchipping.  Check it out below:cat poem

Getting To Know You

If you have a wayward feline
who may just to go astray.
Ensure that he is micro-chipped
in case he’s lost his way.

A simple scan will sort him out
his i.d will be shown.
He’ll be back home by tea -time
as his details will be known.

The microchip is easy
just a small embedded bead.
A scanner can locate it
his minutiae shown at speed.

So come guys, it’s worth it
It’s a really vital thing.
Imagine losing kitty
and the heart ache it may bring!

From more of Teresa’s work go to, also check out the Catawall Facebook page

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.