Pets seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to time and their favorite people. The book Cat-A-Logue : A Curiosity of Feline Facts by Deborah Robertson, tells
these cat stories about the cat’s knack for knowing the exact time.
- Author Alexandre Dumas’ cat Mysouff II had a real talent for knowing when his human was coming home. Regardless of what time he ended his work day, Dumas’ cat would be waiting at the street corner and walk home with him. Dumas’ mother would let the cat out, but Mysouff would not leave the house unless he knew it was time to meet his human for the walk home.
- The Swiss are known for their extraordinary timepieces, and one Swiss cat had quite an internal timepiece of his own! On occasion, the cat’s human would go out of town to work for a friend. When out of town, he would call home in the evening. Without fail, a minute before the call came, the cat would become restless and sit by the phone. At other times, the cat’s guardian took the train to work and rode home on his moped. On those days, the cat sensed this and sat outside the house for about 30 minutes before his guardian arrived home. When the train arrived a little early, the man would call home and as before, the cat would sit by the phone shortly before the call came, then go to the front door.
- A ship’s feline mascot named U-Boat would go ashore when the ship reached port. Although sometimes away for days, he always returned to the ship just before it sailed. One day, though, he was running a little late and wasn’t on board the ship when it pulled out of port. As the ship pulled away, the crew spotted U-Boat dashing along the dock toward the ship. The cat leapt successfully onto the boat’s deck, to the delight of the crew. Ever the cool kitty, U-Boat sat down to groom himself and regain his composure.
Cat-A-Logue : A Curiosity of Feline Facts is available from Amazon. Do you have an amazing cat story to tell? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Please email me at [email protected].