Cat Story: Faith, The Brave Church Cat

Cat StoryThis cat story takes place in Great Britain during World War II.  London had sustained massive damage as a result of the German blitz, causing many people and pets to be in grave danger.  In 1936, Faith, a small tabby cat, found refuge in a London church rectory.

Faith attended every church service.  If her rescuer, the church rector, was conducting the service, she laid at his feet.  If he was not leading the service, Faith would sit in the front pew until service was over.

In 1940, Faith gave birth to a single kitten, a furry black and white boy that was named Panda.  The church choir celebrated his birth by singing All Things Bright And Beautiful at the Sunday service.

A few months after Panda was born, Faith started acting strangely.  She led the rector to the church basement, begging him to open the door.  He did, and Fancy carried Panda into the basement.  Because it was cold and dark there, as opposed to warm and comfortable upstairs, the rector carried Panda back upstairs.  Fancy stubbornly took Panda back down to the basement at least three more times, so the rector decided to give Fancy her way, and moved their basket downstairs.

Within days after moving Fancy and Panda’s basket to the basement, the church was bombed and totally destroyed.  When asked if he knew of anyone that had been in the building, all the rector remembered was Faith and Panda in the basement.  Rescuers were not optimistic that any being would survive a disaster of that magnitude, but the rector was faithful Fancy and Panda were alive.

He ran back into the building, and heard a meowing from inside.  It was Fancy and Panda!  The rector quickly grabbed both cats and got them outside before the building totally collapsed.

In 1945, Fancy received a medal for her courage.  She remained a resident at the church until her death in 1948.  She was laid to rest near the churchyard gate.

Her son, Panda, went on to become the mascot at a local retirement home.


Source:  100 Cats Who Changed Civilization by Sam Stall

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.