Dating And Pets: A Few Fun Facts

Catnip, a newsletter for cat owners published by the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University recently published these interestingDating and Pets facts about dating and pets.

  • When they did a Google search of the phrase “tips for dating people with cats,” it took .18 seconds to return more the 1,500,000 matches
  • Searching for the keywords, “dating and cats, “turned up more than 850,000 matches in 0.14 seconds.
  • According to the Web site,, 73 percent of site members are women; 27 percent are men.
  • The Web site’s top five states for membership are California, New York, Washington, Florida, and Texas.

Out of curiosity, I did the first Google search and looked at the first few results that came back.  One was an interesting article on the eHarmony blog.  The post was titled:  “Dating Dealbreaker:  How People Treat Their Pets”.  The author wrote of an experience while dating and how the other person’s treatment of her pet totally changed his perception of her, and led to the end of the relationship.

Another article was dating advice from the cat point of view.  I must admit, most of the tips made a lot of sense.  Have I said it before, yes, but I’ll say it again, cats are very wise!

One article I found stated that having pets made a person a less attractive dating option.  Mm, don’t know that I agree with that one.  For those on the dating scene, I like to hear from you.  When it comes to dating and pets, has the way a potential partner treated their pet led you to end the relationship?

Please leave a comment, it would be great to hear your stories!


Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.