Feed Cat Remotely With An App

feed cat remotelyAutomatic feeders have been around for years now. Here’s a new twist: it is now possible to feed a cat remotely from your smart phone. This writer saw a story about this new feeder app called Pintofeed on the news last night and was both amused and horrified.

Those who’d be amused might be thrilled to use the ever-growing world of technology for more and more things they’d normally do themselves. Pet parents can not only set up feeding times when they’re in a hurry – they may also set up Pintofeed to feed their cats (and dogs) on a regular schedule. One thing to note, Pintofeed only works when feeding dry food.

According to Pintofeed’s website, the app may be configured to alert pet parents when kitty has been fed and set portions to check a cat’s food intake versus the national average. Up to 50 Pintofeeds may be managed from one account on one app.

Those who might be less amused might think this is just another supposedly time-saving gadget that might seem good on the surface, but serves as another coarsening, impersonal contribution to our lives. Cat feeders that work on timers were never popular in this writer’s home. As a matter of fact, two of my cats slammed their feeder against walls until they popped the top up.

Meal times are  times to connect with furry friends. Some may enjoy the whole routine that goes along with making their dinner.

Cats are living beings who like contact with their loved ones. Whatever your opinion of this latest technological wonder, you might find a use for Pintofeed. Or, like this writer, you might roll your eyes, laugh and ask yourself, “what’ll they think of next?”

What do you think, would you use this app to feed a cat remotely?  Please leave a comment and let us know your thoughts.

Photo Source:  Flickr user Berit

Written by Stephanie Newman

Stephanie Newman

Stephanie is author of the blog, The Musings Of A Crazy Cat Lady, and a freelance writer whose work regularly appears on Examiner.com. Stephanie’s work has been featured on Catster and in print in Natural Awakenings Pet – east Michigan and the Oakland Press newspaper. She’s a professional member of the Cat Writers’ Association, Inc. and a member of Pet Professionals for Pet Adoption.

4 Responses to "Feed Cat Remotely With An App"

  1. That’s pretty crazy. I would only want to use it if I got stuck somewhere unexpectedly (like the car or the train broke down). Moosey eats better when we are around, and we always hire a pet sitter when we are away — cats ABSOLUTELY do need contact and interaction, and mealtimes are an important time for those things.

    1. I agree! Thanks for pointing out that cats need interaction with their people. Many believe cats can be alone for long periods of time with no problem….not so!

  2. I think it is a little creepy. Scooter thinks she can figure it out so it just LOOKs like it is working and she get full control of the feed. Alice – I see no thinking, just the bobbling of her little kitten head.

    1. Cats are pretty adept at figuring out how to get around feeders and get to the good stuff. I imagine Scooter is smarter than you might think! 🙂

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