IRS Allowing Deduction For Pet Fostering Expenses

Foster CareA story featured on reports that the IRS will now allow deductions for pet fostering expenses. A foster caregiver in California deducted expenses associated with pet care on her 2004 tax return, but the deductions were denied.

She didn’t give up the fight, though, and went to court in 2009 to push for the right to claim the deductions.  The court ruled in her favor, making it possible for those that itemize on their returns to claim food, medicine, vet bills and pet carriers as long as the expenses can be tied back to fostering of animals.

There are some conditions, though.  In order for the deductions to be valid, proof must be provided that the pet fostering is associated with a 501.c(3) non-profit organization.  Also, if expenses being deducted total more than $250, a letter from the non-profit organization associated with the pet fostering must be provided.

If you’re a foster care provider but don’t itemize on your return, these changes may not apply to you, but this is a great first step toward helping alleviate expenses tied to fostering homeless pets.

To read the entire article, go to

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.