Need a Prescription for Good Health? Go for Extra Doses of Love and Affection with Your Cat!

Your personal lifestyle can definitely affect your overall health and wellness. That’s no secret. You might eat certain foods to boost your health or perhaps engage in regular exercise to complement your diet, but did you know your cat can give you almost the same effect? (Especially for your mental health!)

If you have a cat, you have probably already noticed how he has helped you so many ways. A cat can be a source of comfort and support during challenging times. Yes, you can actually talk to him about your feelings. Go ahead! We won’t judge…and neither will your cat! Besides, anything you tell your cat will stay with your cat. Your secrets are safe with him!

Having trouble sleeping? Call on your cat instead of the Ambien! If you struggle with sleeping, try snuggling up next to your cat. You just might find yourself immediately in slumberland! However, we can take no responsibility if your cat ends up on top of your head!

Your body can produce a sense of calm within yourself. And when you feel calm, your body can have the hormone called oxytocin, which is responsible for triggering a loving feeling. Even further, children with autism can feel the calming sensation that comes from having a cat.

There is no better friend than a cat. If you give him love, he will return it…exponentially. Cats will remain loyal in this regard!

Worried about cardiovascular disease? It has been said that cats can reduce the risk of having a stroke by about one third, and it has also been shown in studies that cat owners may realize decreased instances of cardiovascular diseases as opposed to their non-cat-owning counterparts.

Feeling anxious? Forget the medications and turn to your feline friend. Just the pure sense of calmness a cat elicits can dramatically reduce anxiety. Plus, your cat’s unconditional love for you will never make you question his loyalty.

Cats are even great for the environment’s health! Apparently, cats leave a smaller carbon footprint than dogs. (Let’s face it…dogs can leave lots of footprints, especially when they have been running through the mud!)

So, go cozy up to your cat and improve your health! “Doctor’s” orders!


Written by Ann Butenas

Ann Butenas

An internationally-recognized author and writer, Ann began her professional writing career at age 12 and began speaking while in college. She has been published thousands of times over the past three decades in all media forms, was former editor and publisher of KC Metro Woman magazine, and has also hosted three talk radio shows in the Kansas City area.

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