Black Cats: 6 Reasons They’re Special

Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day.  I know many black cats and they all have distinctive personalities, they’re all real characters! A black cat’s color all boils down to a genetic quirk. There are three variants of the black fur…
Halloween Cat Safety: Protecting Your Cat

Nearly everyone loves Halloween. Children and adults look forward to this fun-filled occasion known for tricks, treats and surprises.  For a household cat, Halloween can be stressful, frightening, and dangerous.  Your pet depends on you to protect him, so here are…
Remodelling and Cats: Tips to Keep Your Cat Safe

I’m in the process of having some remodelling projects done on my house.Although we’re looking forward to the new look, remodelling can be stressful for us and our cats.  A stressed cat can be a cat with behavior problems, but…
Food Puzzles For Cats: Make Mealtime Fun

Mealtime for cats is pretty routine. Free-feeding dry food, which can lead to weight gain, or feeding a couple of times at day, around the same time of day. A cat’s instincts, though, are to snack throughout the day, and…
Grooming Tools for Short & Long Haired Cats

Although cats groom themselves regularly, there are benefits to brushing cats on a regular basis. Benefits of Brushing Cats Reduces Dead Hair and Minimizes Shedding A couple of months ago, Marty was having a lot of allergy trouble and was…