5 Tips On Picking A Second Cat

Cats tend to be happier when they have a feline companion.  When picking a second cat, it’s a good idea to note your existing cat’s habits and pick a companion that will complement them.  In Anitra Frazier’s book The Natural…
Helping Your Cat Relax With Flower Essences

In the latest episode of My Cat From Hell (Animal Planet, Saturdays, 7 p.m. Central Time), a cat named Miley was terrorizing the two Chihuahuas who lived in the house.  At the end of the segment, Jackson Galaxy, star of…
Finding The Right Cat Sitter

On last night’s episode of My Cat From Hell, one segment featured Gracie, a cat that terrorized everyone that came into the house, including multiple cat sitters that quit in the middle of sitting assignments! Pet sitting is a great…