Pet Ownership: Survey Reveals Preferences and Dispels Stereotypes

Pet OwnershipA recent PRNewswire article revealed survey results on pet ownership, uncovering how people decide on the pet they’ll add to their family.

The survey set out to determine America’s favorite breeds, uncover how “dog people” and “cat people” really differ and reveal factors that come into play when making decisions for our four-legged friends.

Royal Canin, the leader in breed health nutrition, commissioned the survey.  Results show when it comes to cats, looks have it! In fact, more than 55 percent of cat owners rank appearance as the most important factor when choosing a feline friend. By contrast, more than 62 percent of dog owners think size really does matter when choosing a canine companion.

When it comes to breed preferences, dog and cat owners agree that America’s favorite breed actually isn’t a breed at all – it’s the mutt. Nearly half (40 percent) of cat owners and a third (28 percent) of dog owners chose “mixed-breed” as their favorite type of cat or dog.

Survey Dispels Stereotypes

When it comes to pet ownership, physical traits aren’t the only factors owners consider. In sharp contrast to the “cat lady” stereotype, more than half (53 percent) of cat owners identify most with the personality of a Maine Coon cat, which leads an active lifestyle, spending the majority of their time with family and friends. Additionally, 20 percent of cat owners compare themselves most to the Siamese, saying they tend to be outspoken, have lots of friends and an outgoing personality.

Foiling the myth that dog owners lead more active lifestyles, 59 percent of respondents identify most with the personality of the English Bulldog, which tends to be more laid back, easy going and prefers spending most of their time relaxing at home.

“Matching a dog or cat’s personality with that of your family is essential,” said Steve Dale, certified animal behavior consultant and host of Steve Dale’s Pet World radio show. “Before bringing home a new pet, owners should research a breed’s energy level and temperament to make sure it matches up with the owners’ lifestyle.”

What do you think, do you agree with the survey results?

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.