People think cats fill our days sleeping, sniffing our food occasionally, and playing with strings and balls. For working cats, however, nothing is further from the truthhhhhhha;fassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (sorry about that, I fell asleep at the keyboard.
My name is Clementine, and yes, I’m a WORKING cat! I’m the “Director of Enthusiasm” at The Brainzooming Group. My dad runs the company, but I keep his brain zooming and everything running purrfectly.
I’ve been creating enthusiasm for years. It was only after my dad tweeted about me helping him that a Twitter friend said I must be the “Director of Enthusiasm.” Finally I had an official title, and moved into a higher pay grade!
What does a Director of Enthusiasm do?
Since typing makes me sleepy, let me use pictures to show you.
My dad helps clients with creativity so I always hear people on conference calls talking about thinking outside the box. They must have never been in a box before, or they’d know even if you don’t think inside the box, they are really great for playing.
I spend much of my day on the desk – purring, reading, and batting things around from pile to pile. All kinds of things to create enthusiasm!
I often swat pens and papers my dad is working with to the floor. When that happens, I get moved to the floor too. It’s called “office time out.” With boxes and papers on the floor though, it’s all good . . . and more cat fun!
While I don’t personally visit our clients when we help them come up with new ideas, I analyze the posters full of sticky notes my dad brings back to the office. After reviewing them carefully, I pounce on the sticky notes with the best ideas!
When developing a client’s innovation strategy, we examine things from all angles. Here I am thinking about what would happen if a client turned its business model upside down.
My dad works at the computer all hours. I start my days at five in the morning and am on the job late into the night. If he needs me for enthusiasm, I’m there. Fortunately, I can purr and sleep at the same time.
Since all my job requires is being incredibly cute, overly friendly, and 24/7 purring, I can’t imagine doing anything but being a Director of Enthusiasm! I love my job!
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