Boredom Busters for Indoor Cats


Indoor cats are safe from the perils of outdoor living, but they do need a lot of stimulation to prevent boredom.  Here are a few boredom busters we’ve found for indoor cats:

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Interactive Camera


Wonder what your cat’s doing during the day while you’re at work?

With an interactive toy like PetCube, you can check on your cat’s activities, capture video and even play with your cat.  This will give your cat a break from the quiet in the house and provide some much needed exercise and stimulation!

Treat Dispensing Toy

PetSafe Food Dispensing Toy

Since cats love to hunt, treat/food dispensing toys are a great option to simply putting food in a bowl for them to consume.

I purchased the PetSafe SlimCat Meal Dispensing Toy for Marty.  It is a good option since it has a control to increase/decrease the amount of kibble dispensed at a time. Start with more food, then as your cat gets the hang of the game, make the distribution slots smaller so less food comes out.

Take A Grooming Break

Groom Genie

Marty loves it when he sees me with the brush.  He is partial to brushes with a massage effect, like the Groom Genie or the massage brush in Catit Grooming Kit.  Both brushes are easy to clean and fit easily in your hand.  Brushing your cat helps increase the bond with him, and distributes oils to keep his coat healthy and shiny.

Toys Your Cat Can Play Alone

Catit Design Sense Play Circuit

If you work outside the home, your cat spends many hours alone. This is a good time to find toys he can by himself to prevent boredom.  Marty has the Catit Design Sense Play Circuit, Original.  I like it because you can change the configuration of the track so he doesn’t get bored.  Another aspect I like about this is you can put multiple sets together to make a larger track for the cat that likes a real challenge.

Whatever toys your cat prefers, change them out periodically. Experience has shown me cats tire of a toy quickly, so rotating them often makes the toy seem new again when it comes up in the rotation.

What have you found to be the best boredom buster for your cat?  Leave a comment, we’d love to hear from you!

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.

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