BlogPaws Day One

K9 Fitness Class

Today started with K9 Fitness class, where dogs and their people exercised together.  The dogs seemed confused, their expressions indicated they thought this was the weirdest walk they’ve had in a while!  Not all dogs understood what they were supposed to do, but in typical dog fashion they still had fun.

There was some free time before sessions began, so I took the opportunity to meet some fellow bloggers and learn more about them and their blogs.  I met Herman aka Tattlecat and his human Kim.  Herman is quite an accomplished writer, he’s in charge of the Wonderpurr website and is busy developing a series of detective stories called Sherlock Herms.  Although Herman is the “face” of Wonderpurr, he does get some help writing from Kim.

Over lunch, I talked with a woman whose developed an online resource for cat and dog guardians called Animal Building Blocks Academy.  The site provides information via video sessions on training and other advanced skills.  There is also an area for member discussions and periodic live Q & A sessions.

The afternoon sessions on publishing from the Cat Writer’s Association were very informative with insights from published authors.  They gave those of us new to the world of publishing the good, the bad and the ugly of what it takes to get work published.

Visiting  with many brands gave me exposure to new products and services I hadn’t known about previously.

i’ve taken many pictures of the pet attendees and some of the products being shown, and I will be posting them throughout the day tomorrow on Twitter.

Stay tuned!

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.