Good-Bye To A Friend

It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of a member of the Fully Feline family, Stephanie Newman.  Stephanie joined our team early this year and wasstephanie newman a valued contributor, bringing with her a professional writing style and in-depth knowledge and love of cats.

She loved all things feline, and was the guardian to three cats:  Ateret, Livia and Abbi.  She often wrote about their antics on her blog, The Musings of a Crazy Cat Lady.  Stephanie was a professional member of Cat Writers Association, Inc., in addition to being a writer for, and other publications in the Detroit area.

Stephanie was an avid Detroit Tigers fan and cheered for the Michigan Wolverines.  She loved the area she lived in and liked to share its beauty with others.

I am so sorry we will no longer have the pleasure of sharing Stephanie’s writing.  Please take time to read the articles she shared on our site, they are well worth the time.

Stephanie, you will be missed.  Rest well, my friend.



Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.

10 Responses to "Good-Bye To A Friend"

  1. I am sorry to read this too…..what happened? It had to have been so sudden. I think you should let the people in the Cat Lady Coalition group on Facebook and the Cat Writers group on Facebook know because I don’t think that ANY of them know this.

    I don’t feel it is appropriate for me to share since she and I were not close.
    I also live where she did (In Farmington Hills) and have looked for death notices and have found nothing……….

    1. Stephanie took her own life but she made sure her 3 girls where taken care of before hand. Two of her girls, Ataret & Lilly are on petfinder listed through backdoor friends.

  2. I only heard about it because I used to work at Carousel Cats and Vet. Called and tolled me. All 3 of Stephanie’s cats are there but I know that Abbi is going back to the rescue she came from and Ateret & Livia and posted on petfinder to be adopted together.

    There was nothing in the newspaper and when a talked to the Vet. at Carousel she was not told anything more about Stephanie only that her mother came in from California

    1. Caren, I found out by accident as well. Saw your earlier comment and have struggled with what to say, been in shock about the whole thing. I wasn’t sure of Stephanie’s favorite pet charity, but know she admired the work Alley Cat Allies does, so I submitted a donation to them in her memory.

  3. Oh, my goodness, I knew she was struggling but I didn’t know she was at this point. I realized I hadn’t received any posts from her for a while and went looking for her, finding only September 10 as the last day I saw anything posted anywhere. Checking her other writing outlets I found this. I hope she is at peace, and of course she took care of her girls–she had lost Tereza unexpectedly and was terrified it might happen to one of her girls. She and I were going to work on a genealogy project. I’m so sad she was hurting this much and felt she had to stop it this way. Thank you for letting us know.

  4. Hello, It is with great sadness I learn of Stephanie’s passing. How very sad. The cats of this world have lost a champion for their best interests! I wish her a rest in peace with a cloud of kitties gathered around her.


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