How To Choose A Veterinarian For Your Cat

When you choose a kitten to be your family pet, it is a member of the family that is likely to be with you for many years to come.  Our pets rely on our choose a veterinarianjudgment for the veterinarian we choose to take care of their health. The tips below will help you learn how to choose a veterinarian that’s right for your cat.

Choose a Veterinarian that’s Close

Most people do not enjoy having to drive a long distance when it is time for their pet to have a checkup or get their immunizations. The biggest advantage of choosing a vet in close proximity to your home is not being forced to go far when and if emergency situations strike. This is extremely important because it can literally mean the life or death of your precious pet when they become injured or very ill.

Check the Veterinarian’s Area of Specialty

There are some vets that specialize in one particular type of pet. It is important to check around and make sure the doctor you are planning to use has specialized experience in taking care of felines. After all, the overall health of your pet is going to be placed in their hands. You will also find that there are some clinics that specialize in providing care to cats only. Many people find these to be ideal, as they’re not nearly as traumatic for their pet as offices with tons of barking dogs.   Vets that specialize in cat care are often more aware of illnesses and treatments that might be more specific to felines.

What Level of Comfort are you and Your Cat Offered?

While it’s important that you feel comfortable with the care and service offered by the vet you select, it is even more important that your cat feels comfortable. As most pet owners know, felines generally aren’t all that happy about taking trips to the veterinarian. This is why it’s important to select an office that truly cares about animals and goes the extra mile to ensure they are as stress free as possible.  Some vets, especially those that care exclusively for cats, provide house call services on a limited basis.


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Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.