Kitten Grooming: Tips And Advice

kitten groomingIf you were simply unable to resist getting a fluffy-coated kitten, then you must be prepared for regular daily grooming sessions. Kitten grooming is much easier because they are much more amenable to brushing and combing.

However, all kittens and cats benefit from grooming at certain periods in the year, when their coats begin to molt. This is usually in the spring and, to a lesser extent, in the autumn. It’s very important that they should not swallow too many loose hairs when they groom themselves as these matt up in the stomach and form hair balls, which can cause serious illnesses.

Grooming also keeps dandruff to a minimum and, of course, gives you a chance to check your kitten’s skin condition carefully, thereby ensuring that any lumps or bumps are discovered and attended to.

Basic Equipment For Kitten Grooming

The equipment required for kitten grooming is very simple. You’ll need a soft brush, a wide-toothed comb, a fine-toothed flea comb, and a damp chamois or wash leather.

Long-Haired Kittens

As already mentioned, long-haired kittens need combing daily, otherwise their fur gets into a nasty matted mess, which is not only unsightly but also uncomfortable and potentially a hazard to health. The fur should be combed through thoroughly, but gently, starting at the head and gradually working back towards the base of the tail, using a wide-toothed comb and combing against the lie of the coat to separate each hair. It is important to groom under the body and around the base of the tail where the hair is extra fine. If grooming is neglected, dense tangles will have to be cut out and very bad cases may need veterinary attention.

Short-Haired Kittens

Short-haired kittens will certainly need less attention paid to their coat as they can effectively groom themselves, but keep a close eye on them at moulting time. Brushing with soft brush will pay dividends, or you can run a damp chamois leather over the coat to pick up any loose hairs quickly. Just hold the leather in both hands and draw it over the kitten from head to tail. Hand grooming is beneficial to both kitten and owner and helps bonding between the two. Stroke the kitten fairly firmly from head to tail with clean, dry hands.

A kitten with a dull coat or one which sheds excessively may not be in the best of health, perhaps due to a poor diet.

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.