Love Your Pet Day

Today is officially Love Your Pet Day, and we’ve come up with some suggestions on showing your feline just how special he is.  Check these out:

love your pet

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Give him a massage

Your cat lets you know his favorite spots to be touched, so take a little time and give him a TLC massage, he’ll love you for it! Marty loves to be brushed, so I spoil him often with a good brush session with his massage brush.

Let him have a his own furniture

Try dedicating one piece of furniture to your cat.  Make sure to place it so there’s a view of the outside, and if you have a cat themed throw or pillow, add it for a little extra cattitude.

Give him a plant

Most cats love catnip or cat grass.  Put it someplace so he’ll have easy access to grab a green snack when the urge strikes him.

Use special bowls or dishes for his food

Serve his meal in special ceramic bowls or on plates.  For a little extra treat, garnish his meal with his favorite snack (unfortunately the smellier it is, the more cats like it). Some cats, like Oliver (pictured below) like to drink water out of a glass, even better when the glass is personalized!

love your pet

Consider a window bench

Cats love to look outside and to be in the sunlight.  A window bench can provide both.  They come in a variety of sizes, this one is extra large and heated. Check out this perch from K & H Pet Products.

Create a cat room

This is the ultimate cat luxury if you have the space available.  A friend of mine had a room for his cat, Oota.  Oota’s room had various scratching posts, toys and condos of various heights.  Needless to say Oota loved it!

These are a few suggestions we came up with, but we’d love to hear how you observe Love Your Pet Day with your feline.


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Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.