Cat Humor:  Another Pillow!

It’s a cold and rainy day here in the Kansas City area.  Days like this are made for relaxing in bed under the covers, propped up by several pillows.  In this piece of cat humor from the folks at,…
6 Ways To Spot A True Cat Lover

There are those that profess to be “cat people”, but how can you tell the true cat lover from someone that gives cats a passing thought from time to time?  Here are some tips from our “sister” site,, on…
Friday Feline Funnies

It’s time for our Friday Feline Funnies with a sampling of humor from the folks at This cat is doing his best to evade the household dog by blending in with the furniture.  I must admit it almost worked…
Free-Feeding vs. Scheduled Feeding

When it comes to feeding cats, owners must decide on free-feeding vs. scheduled feeding.  Here we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Many cat owners believe in free-feeding their cat because it’s convenient and the cat can snack…