Loss Of Appetite In Cats

  Loss of appetite in cats. When it happens to our beloved pet, we often don’t know how to handle it. If cats are not feeling well or are stressed, their appetite can be diminished.  Coaxing them to eat in…
Overweight Cats: Getting Your Cat In Shape

Now I ask you…is your cat fat?  Unfortunately, overweight cats are becoming far too common. Recent research from The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) shows that 58 percent of American cats are overweight, and 28 percent are considered obese.…
World Lion Day

The death of Cecil the Lion last year brought lions to the forefront, but it’s important on this World Lion Day to note the decline in the lion population worldwide. According to National Geographic, the lion population has fallen from…

For those people that have trouble understanding the human-cat relationship, they might ask the question, does your cat own you?  This video from Buzzfeed.com shows the funny side of who’s really in charge when living with a cat roommate. From meowing…
Can Cats Predict Weather?

While our pets don’t speak English, they do say a lot through their body language.  And anyone who owns a cat (or, better yet, is owned BY a cat!) will most likely tell you they can be rather peculiar creatures. They…