The Meaning Of Meow

By Brad Kollus for The Daily Cat “Meow!” As cat owners, we hear it every day — usually many times a day. But what is the meaning of meow? According to Dr. Nicholas Nicastro, you probably understand its meaning more…
Good-Bye To A Friend

It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of a member of the Fully Feline family, Stephanie Newman.  Stephanie joined our team early this year and was a valued contributor, bringing with her a professional writing style…
Would Your Cat Be A Good Therapy Cat?

Most of us are familiar with dogs as therapy animals in hospitals and nursing homes, but therapy cats can be of great help too.  Pet Partners, a national group that helps train non-canine therapy animals, reports that cats are the…
Are Mischievous Cats Just Bored?

By Karen Asp for The Daily Cat This scenario may be all too familiar: An unsuspecting cat owner comes home from work to find that his or her once well-behaved feline has tipped over a houseplant, batted everything off the…