Cat Psychology: Cats Need Time Out Too

On Saturday’s episode of My Cat From Hell (7 p.m. Central on Animal Planet), one segment dealt with Mufasa, a cat that was disrupting her people’s household and in particular their wedding planning. After observing and being pretty scratched up…
Cat Psychology: The Story Of Rowdy Roscoe

Last night’s episode of My Cat From Hell (7 p.m. Central Time on Animal Planet) featured Roscoe, a young cat that was wreaking havoc on the lives and home of his humans. When cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy arrived to talk…
The Case of the Counter Surfing Cat

Is your kitchen counter off limits to your cat but he hasn’t gotten the message yet?  It can be frustrating keeping cats off counters, here are some suggestions to make the counter less attractive: Your cat may be on the…
Here Are Some Interesting Cat “Stats”

According to statistics from and verified in April, 2012, these are the countries with the highest cat populations.  I was a little surprised by some of the rankings, are you?  Check them out: United States, with 76.4 million China,…