I love to share funny cat pictures! This one submitted by fellow blogger Caren Gittleman captures the laidback feeling of the weekend. I do believe this is the original party…
Funny cat pictures abound on icanhascheezburger.com, so I visit there often! I found a funny cat picture that illustrates what many cats feel about their humans…….humans just don’t have focus…
Cat humor is a fact of life with a feline companion. Even though we prohibit our cats from getting on the counter, attacking guests or a multitude of other things,…
Some of the best cat humor I’ve found is The Devious Book For Cats. It’s written by felines (Fluffy and Bonkers, with a little help from humans) for felines, describing…
It’s a cold and rainy day here in the Kansas City area. Days like this are made for relaxing in bed under the covers, propped up by several pillows. In…