When it comes to opinions, my cat Marty has many of them. He strongly believes that when it comes time to select a pet, cats rule over dogs. Marty is

presenting a good case for cats in this post that originally appeared on our sister site, myjoyofliving.com. Check it out to see if you agree:
Let’s face it. Cats are cool…in so many ways. And if you are a genuine cat lover, then you know without a shadow of a doubt that cats rule over dogs. I found an article on animalplanet.com that suggests exactly why cats are better than dogs, and from that article I extracted a few tidbits to support my position and enlighten yours!
- Cats will treat your guests politely. When people come to your door, cats keep a good, but observational, distance away. Dogs, however, will run to the door, bark, leap, dance around and otherwise make their presence known…annoyingly so. Cats are less intrusive and prefer to inspect guests from greater distances. If we are interested, we’ll come around. Otherwise, don’t expect to be bothered by us.
- Cats smell better than dogs. Yep! Take a clean dog outside for just one minute and what do you get? A stinky dog! That’s just the way it goes. No matter how much shampoo and soap you use on your dog, he will quickly begin to elicit that familiar dog odor. Cats, however, are not such an assault on the senses, thanks to our self-cleaning habits.
- Cats are funnier than dogs. Sure, there are plenty of dog videos out there that can make you laugh, but those dogs try to so hard. Cats don’t even have to try. Heck! Sometimes we don’t even know we are being funny. We can strike a pose; get in a mood; or just walk around and somehow can make the seemingly ordinary funny. Plus, our inclination towards curiosity often puts us in positions to do things that, to the human eye, are hilarious. You’re welcome!
- Cats are natural insect repellants. While Fido over there might be shaking his leg at the flies swarming around him, the creepy crawlers don’t stand a chance around us. We are born exterminators! If there’s a spider on the wall or a bug on the window screen, just give us a minute and it will be gone! When it comes to pests, it’s “game on” for us!
Well, I could go on and on, but I don’t want to sound like I am bragging. You be the judge….are cats better than dogs? You know my answer, but just don’t ask any dogs!