Cat Humor: Santa’s Five Favorite Cat Elves

Although he doesn’t often admit it, Santa does have a sense of humor.  He snapped these pictures of some of his elves when they took a break from their tough holiday schedule. They aren’t always fun to be around, but when the work needs to get done, these elves are some of Santa’s key team members.

I found these pictures on  Which one is your favorite?

Cat Humor
This is Hector, lead elf for the last five years. He is ready for a vacation

Cat Humor
This is Felicia. Often considered the Diva Elf, she doesn’t like to get her paws dirty assembling gifts
Cat Humor
Meet Jake. He’s cold ALL the time, so is thinking about relocating after this holiday season
Cat Humor
This Is Mike. He’s the helpful elf that’s not afraid to pitch in a paw to help a fellow elf
Cat Humor
This is Larry, the surly elf. He’s suffering from burnout due to the long holiday hours and tends to have a short fuse this time of year



Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.