Funny Cats To Brighten Your Day

funny cats

Fridays signal the end of the workweek.  It’s a good time to enjoy a good laugh and unwind in preparation for the weekend.  With that thought in mind, I offer you this week’s favorite funny cats.  Have a good laugh on us.

Snack Time With Benny

Cats are curious……often about what their humans are eating and drinking.  Benny had a snack attack, so he decided to sample his human’s food, then grabbed a drink to wash it down.

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Picture submitted by: Judy Warrion

Soft and Fluffy Pillow

Cats will nap anywhere that’s convenient, and comfortable.  Seems there’s been a new use discovered for toilet paper. It makes a wonderfully soft pillow!

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Picture submitted by: Marja Saari

Bad Day

It can be difficult living with someone else.  Sometimes it seems as though you can’t find any place in the house to be alone, as these two demonstrate

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Photo submitted by: Naasiha Jamal-Collett

Drum Roll, Please!

Cats are believers in the if it fits, I sit.  No matter now big or small, if so inclined, cats will find a way to sit anywhere.  Here’s case of being musically inclined, and getting ready for a drum roll.

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Photo submitted by: Cassandra Katine Marmon

Where Did My Nip Go?

It can be maddening when someone decides the catnip needs to be flushed.  Archie is having a catnip craving, but he’ll have to wait until more nip arrives.

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Photo submitted by: Alison A. Hutchinson

One With The Furniture

Lucky Reno is so comfortable he’s melting into the furniture.  That happens sometimes!

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Photo submitted by: Tina Mischke

All of these pictures were submitted by members of our Fully Feline Facebook community.  To check out more funny cats, and other posts about all things feline, like our page at  We’d love to hear from you, and see your funny cat pictures, too!


Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.