Morris The Cat Offering Up Kitty Style Advice

morris the cat

Post Sponsored by 9Lives

With bathing suit season rapidly approaching, everyone’s searching for ways to look their best. We are very fortunate because we’re about to get some style and wellness tips from someone who knows something about looking awesome… Morris the Cat.

Morris is the original celebricat, starring in over 50 9Lives cat food commercials.  In his “Dear Morris” column, he’ll be answering some readers’ questions about good grooming, and he’s also giving away a human-sized, 9Lives-branded bathrobe, a $300 Spa Finder gift card, and a whole year’s supply of 9Lives cat food!  Enter at his website:

Here are some of the letters Morris received along with his advice:

Dear Morris,

I love my cat, Baxter, but man, does he shed! Every time I leave the house I’m covered in cat hair. It’s getting to the point where we can’t even cuddle together without me looking like the sticky side of a lint roller! Unleash your wisdom, Morris… there must be something I can do.


Hairy Harry

Morris the cat

Dear Hairy Harry,

Being covered in cat fur means you get to look like a cat, which means you get to look more awesome. However, if this isn’t your desired effect (although I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be), try wearing clothes the same color as your cat to camouflage the fur. Kind of like a cat camouflages himself in clean laundry–hey, come to think of it, that could be why you’re always covered in fur! You can also try brushing Baxter a couple times a week to remove excess fur and redistribute the natural oils on his skin–now, that’s what I call a win-win.

Dear Morris,

My teenage daughter spends 45 minutes in front of the mirror every day primping and brushing her hair. I think this is excessive but she tells me it’s what makes her happy. Morris, since you always look fabulous, I thought you could give me some advice–what’s the best way to get her to spend less time in front of the mirror?


Fur-ustrated Mamma

Morris the Cat

Dear Fur-ustrated Mamma,

I know it may seem like I just wake up looking this good, but believe it or not, I put in lots of long hours licking my fur. In fact, as a cat, I groom up to 50% of the time I’m awake. Grooming not only makes you look good, it can be used for meditation–kind of like focusing really hard on a red laser dot. So I say, take the time you need to feel your best–whether it’s 5 minutes or 45. It’s a very purrsonal choice. 

Dear Morris,

Lately I’ve been looking slightly less than my best, which is unfortunate because I just started a new job and I wanted to make a good first impression. But instead, my eyes are all puffy and I just haven’t been my chipper self. I’m not sure how to get out of this style rut. Morris, can you help me get my grooming groove back?


Fashion Faux-Paw

Morris The cat


Dear Fashion Faux-Paw,

The main thing I took away from your question is that you’re STRESSED! Starting a new job can be stressful and can lead to falling out of typical routines and lack of sleep. I should know because every time I start shooting a new commercial, I only sleep 15 hours a day instead of 16. But don’t despair! There’s one failsafe way to calm those nerves and give you back your glow. I’m talking about a massage, specifically a kitty massage. We kitties LOVE to give massages–well, we think of it more as kneading but you humans don’t seem to know the difference. A kitty massage will help you relax, and in turn, feel and look better. Plus, it’s purr-ty much impossible to feel stressed when you have the love of a cat.

Do you have a good-looking, well-groomed feline at home? You could win them a whole year’s supply of 9Lives cat food, plus a human-sized, 9Lives-branded bathrobe and Spa Finder gift card for you!

Go to Morris’ Live Well & Prospurr website [] to enter. Then, ‘paw it forward’ by tweeting #MorrisFeeds, and Morris will donate a bowl of 9Lives cat food to a kitty in need.

Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.