What Cats Want To Know

Yesterday was Answer Your Cat’s Question Day, and it was interesting to find out what cats want to know.  Marty’s question about dogs is included in the photo. He hasn’t been able to figure out why his dog siblings carry on in such a strange way.

It’s no surprise there are some deep what cats want to knowthinking felines, and to illustrate that fact here are some of the questions submitted by cats (documented by their humans) via our Facebook page:

  • Sebastian the Cat wants to know:  Dad, why do you always shave off your face fur?
  • Marmaduke asks: Why can’t I share the baby’s food, I’m your baby too?
  • Simba is curious about our bathing habits and had this question:  Why do you sit in a big drink?
  • Tanner wonders:  Does my kitty shirt make me look fat?

When it comes to what cats want to know, many cats preferred to submit their questions anonymously.  Here are some of their thought provoking inquiries:

  • What’s on the other side of the closed door?
  • Why do you take so many pictures of me? (Several cats seemed to be curious about this)
  • Why do you talk to me, human?
  • Why do I have to share all the toys?
  • Why am I not an only cat?
  • Why can’t I lay on your clean clothes?
  • Why do you have to go to work, mom?
  • Am I doing a selfie ok?
  • Where’s my crown?
  • Can I have a cuddle, mummy?
  • Why does my mommy not jump as soon as I say miaauw?

The most often asked question centered around food, or a lack thereof, many cats wondered how long until mealtime, why the food dish was empty, and if it would be possible to have a treat.

Now that we have an idea what cats want to know, do we have satisfactory answers?

To see all the feedback, go to our Facebook page, Facebook.com/FullyFeline


Written by Karen


Karen is Publisher of Fully Feline. She also owns a pet care business in Overland Park, KS called Joy of Living.