I love it when cats show their cattitude! Cats aren’t afraid to ask for what they want, and will definitely not give up until they get to their goal. This week, we’ve got three cats that show their cattitude in a variety of situations, each funny in its own way.
Hey Girl
Buster knows he has a special touch when it comes to charming the ladies. He saves his ultra-suaveness for only the most special humans!

There’s Something Wrong With My Dish!
As all of us that are cat lovers know very well, our feline companions don’t cope well with an empty food dish. This picture says it all, “Human, my dish is broken, there’s no food in it!”

I’m Turning On My Tortitude!
Yes, Torties are known for their tortitude, and Lilly is no exception. Here she’s willing her human to move on, there’s nothing to see, and she’s no longer posing for pictures!

Cattitude is a state of mind that I aspire to, being specific and focused, cats use it to reach their goals. It works quite well for them, I’m hoping it works for me too!
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